A construção da ordem fronteiriça: grupos de poder e estratégias eleitorais na campanha sul-rio-grandense (1852-1867)
Paniágua, Edson Romário Monteiro
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This present research analyzes the power networks and electoral strategies in the formation of political territories and power groups in Alegrete town located on the border of São Pedro Province to the Oriental Republic of Uruguay between the years 1852 to 1867. During this period, Alegrete border was an area of intense disputes and tensions within the owning class, for political hegemony. This border territory materialized the existence of political territories, groups and power networks, with a local and national dynamic and translated the balance of power between the state and the elite of the Imperial Brazilian border south west of Rio Grande. The Brazilian Imperial state to enact a set of centralizing measures and legal apparatus election, permeated by the intensity of border relations and the political situation of the period in question, met resistance from the class that owns the campaign also imposed their rhythm, with some autonomy level.Nenhuma