Valor do cliente, inadimplência e assimetria de fluxo de caixa
The objective of this research is to help companies in decision making regarding the customer base and adjust their marketing promotions in the context of commercial credit risk. The result of this research is to propose a new model. As theoretical contributions can be mentioned the development of a model of credit risk can estimate a default risk for each payment made by a client. This differs from the other models in the literature that estimate only one risk for each client. Another contribution is the development of a model based on metrics of Customer Lifetime Value with components unpublished (asymmetry between receiving and payment terms and credit risk). This research is divided into three distinct phases: an exploratory phase, where it performed a literature review in search of concepts and elements aligned to the goal. The second phase is the proposition of the method and the model itself. The third and final phase was the implementation of the model to a field study. The field study used data from 14 259 bills and 229 customers. Data are from December 2007 to August 2009. The model of credit risk built into the proposed model classifies invoices paid on average 75.52% of assertiveness. The results of the field helped the company studied conducting a series of changes in its customer base. Changes made resulting in an estimated gain of more than R$ 2.5 million in 2010.Nenhuma