Usos de si e circulação de valores no trabalho docente: as dramáticas de uma potência desvelada na atividade
This work aims to uncover the values that emerge in the activity of work of teachers in a Pedagogy course, in a private and confessional University, and the dramatic experienced by those subject to confront values related to the pole of the common good and values related to commercial pole. These values in their different dimensions - values not scalable and scalable, respectively - and the dramatic experienced by these subjects are parsed from the use of himself by himself and the use of himself for others, by an Ergology perspective. The empirical material consists of the narratives about the activity of work of teachers and their confrontation, inspired by the Research Training methodology developed by Marie-Christine Josso, and the contribution of the researcher's memories and narratives about experiences as a student of teachers in the Pedagogy course. The relevance of the use of Ergology for this study contributes to give greater visibility to researches that, by investigating the teaching job, can use ergological paradigm and Research Training as a theoretical basis for research.Nenhuma