Um estudo sobre investimento direto externo no setor sucroenergético do estado de Mato Grosso do Sul
The era of globalization is represented by the global search for suppliers and consumer markets, having as goal to reach business growth and expansion through more profitable opportunities in new markets and products. Companies from various countries have been interested in the sugar-energy sector. Even without prior knowledge, they invest in industrial plants and learn from Brazilian technology. Brazil is a pioneer in technology development for ethanol and sugarcane production, besides power cogeneration. The aim of this research is to describe the motivations and companies entry process through Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) region, identifying the changes occurred after the entry of international groups in the sugarcane industry, and also to analyze the entry strategies adopted by those multinational companies. The research describes the plants’ internationalization process in MS, presenting theoretical concepts, seeking to understand which theory has more influence in the internalization process of sugar-energy industry. The methodology was qualitative and descriptive, through the analysis of three cases of sugar- energy plants, those with equity exceeding 50% of international capital and that entry into Brazil through FDI process. Data were collected through interviews with industries directors and managers, suppliers and landleaseholders, as well as the Association representing the MS bioenergy producers. The representatives of the municipal executive power (were the plants are installed) and the Government State Secretary, responsible for sector policies, were also interviewed. Furthermore, secondary data provided by industry and agricultural oficial agencies were analyzed. The paper then presents the expansion of the sugar-energy sector in MS State, identifying social, environmental and economic contributions for the municipalities where the industrial sugarcane plants are located. We identified the main motivations for FDI, such as low costs of lands, large areas availability, higher production rates (than other sugarcane regions in Brazil), with soil and relief characteristics that are suitable for mechanized cultivation. The MS State has also a privileged location, close to major consumers’ centers. The study is concluded with the identification of trends for the sugar- energy sector and some suggestions for further resenarch.Nenhuma