Análise das alterações no processo de construção decorrente da aplicação de sistema de certificação ambiental de edificações
The civil construction sector is responsible for differents and significants environmental impacts, e.g. the high natural resources consumption, the high amount of losses and waste generated, the inadequade soil ocupance. In some contries, a concept that has been enveloped and applied is the environmental evaluation of buildings. In Brazil, the importance of those type of evaluation has been perceived by different construction agents, and the interest about this topic is growing, and some projects have already searched some kind of certification, even from other countries. However, the certification process requires significant changes in design and production processes, also cultural changes in the sites and suppliers. In this context, this work has as general objective to analyse the main changes in the buildings construction process due to the environmental evaluation system, with focus on design and production processes. As specífic objectives, this works searches: (i) to analyse the interest of regional professionals in the topic of sustaintability in constructiona and environmental evaluation systems; (ii) to identify the main changes needed in the desing and production phases of projects that are willing to be certified; (iii) to identify the main agents and its roles in the production of a building that are being certified; and (iv) to identify main difficulties in the preparation phase for certification. In general, the results obtained point that the professional from Região do vale do Sinos do not properly know the environmental evaluation systems, although they show interest in the subject, and that actualy, the implementation and application of the requirements of the certification method results in substancial changes in design and production processes, besiades a cultural change that occurs in the production sites and in the supply chain.Nenhuma