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dc.contributor.advisorKazmierczak, Claudio de Souza
dc.contributor.authorCavalheiro, Alessandra Pacheco
dc.description.abstractThe use of recycled concrete coming from the processing of construction and demolition waste (CDW) in replacement of natural aggregates makes it a co-product, and allows the preservation of natural sources of extraction and reduces the need for waste disposal . Among several materials that constitute the CDW, a Strong option for recycling is the use of wastearising from demolition of concrete buildings, concrete mixe producers and precast industrial waste, This option that is because these materials have negligible homogeneity and presence of contaminants compared to the other construction and demolition waste. In order to evaluate the possibility of using recycled concrete aggregat e (RCA) for the manufacture of parts in a company of precast concrete, was made a diagnosis o f waste generation in the company; characterizing the concrete waste with greater potential for recycling, and the production of RCA concrete, in a case study. Two types of waste, RCC - Coming from conventional curing (air) and RCT - coming from the steam curing, were collected and comminuted in the form of coarse aggregate in order to determine any changes in their properties. The concrete was produced with RCA in both, at a lab and in the industry, with CPV-ARI, superplasticizer, fly ash, 50% replacement of natural coarse aggregates by the RCA, adding water to the mix of compensation and relation agl/c 0.49, and determined the consistency, compressive strength and water absorption by capillarity. The study developed in precast company showed that, in general, clusters generated from the RCC and the RCT differ among themselves, due to the type of curing performed in the original concrete, the concrete produced with ARCC have characteristics equal to or superior to the reference concrete, while those produced with ARCT are underperformed, and the waste recycling in-house , if it is not seen as a strategic action for the company, it is likely to be discarded, based on the costs related to the implementation of the recycling process.en
dc.description.sponsorshipCAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superiorpt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectAgregado reciclado de concretopt_BR
dc.titleContribuição para a implementação de agregado reciclado de concreto em uma empresa de pré-fabricados de concretopt_BR

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