Problemas emocionais e de comportamento e relações familiares em adolescentes
Many aspects of the family system such as marital conflict and parental mental health have been associated to adolescents’ emotional and behavioural problems (EPB) manifested by internalizing and externalizing symptoms. The present study aimed to investigate the EPB and its relation to aspects of the family system (family climate) according to adolescents and their parents’s view. The study investigated 187 students (112 females and 75 males), 165 mothers and 102 fathers. The adolescents’ ages ranged from 11 to 16 (Average = 12,89 SD = 1,08), the mothers’ average age was 39,3 (SD = 6,8) and the fathers’ average age was 42,4 (SD = 9,4). Participants aging from 11 to 18 were assessed through a questionnaire with socio demographic questions from Youth Self-Report Inventory (YSR, Youth Self-Report), adults from 18 to 59 years old answered questions from an Adult Self-Report Inventory (ASR, adult Self-Report) and from a Familiar Climate Inventory (FAI). Parametric statistics were used to analyze the data. The resuNenhuma