Oficina de contos de fadas: uma intervenção com crianças asmáticas, a partir do enfoque Winnicottiano
Schneider, Raquel Elisabete Finger
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The study of psychosomatic manifestation due to a troublesome baby-mother relation is raising scientific community’s interest. Associating this idea to the Winnicotttian healing potential psychoanalytic view found in art, this survey’s objective is to develop the fairy tales workshops, as a therapeutic intervention for asthmatics children, focusing on Donald Winnicott’s writings about human development. The clinic device used to understand the five children taking part on a psychodynamic work were: carrying out one hour of diagnostic game, applying H-T-P projected instruments and the fable’s test, as well as interviewing parents and teachers. Following this initial contact with the survey’s protagonists were developed nine fairy tales workshops with the kids and one with the parents and pediatrician. The analyses result in a qualitative view, focused the clinic fragments taken out of these kids life’s story and the reports brought/ produced by them on the workshops. Those are added to the information collecNenhuma