Evidenciação de capital intelectual nas páginas web de prefeituras do Rio Grande do Sul
This research analyzes the information on intellectual capital evident in the web pages of the cities of Rio Grande do Sul, through desk research, starting from a research composed of items related to the components of intellectual capital: human capital, structural capital, capital of householders and transparency, as well as their respective sub-items. The information was subjected to descriptive analysis and statistical tests. The results of the study are: (a) the Tukey multiple comparison of proportions revealed no significant difference in the proportion of disclosure of intellectual capital among the cities of Porto Alegre, Bage, Canoas, Caxias do Sul, Santa Cruz , São Leopoldo and Sapucaia do Sul; (b) comparing the proportion of disclosure by item, it was found that the transparency provided a proportion of 65.90%, followed by the capital of residents (43.10%), structural capital (36.80%) and human capital (26.70%); (c) there is no relationship between socio-demographic variables (income per capita andNenhuma