Determinantes da falência de empresas do município de Novo Hamburgo
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Roggia, Antonio Luis Zenkner
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This research aims to investigate the perceptions of business people about the reasons that led small and medium companies to bankruptcy from 2000 and 2006 in Novo Hamburgo-RS. Using a version of the questionaire “ Financial conditions among small firms in Iowa and factors contributing to bankruptcy”, developed by Carter and Van Auken (2006), the translation , valuation and aplication took place in order to compare the results achieved concerning the Brazilian reality with the ones achieved by the American authors. In this context, this research examines the financial difficulties faced by the companies, analysing the direct and indirect bankruptcy costs as well as the reestructing of the companies that follwed the law nº 11.101/2005, named “Lei de falência e de recuperação de Empresas”. The investigation of some empirical evidence related to the bankarupcy, failure cases and mortality pointed out in several national and international literature, assumes a crucial importance at the momente for the understandiNenhuma