Informações Contábeis-Gerenciais para o controle estratégico: um diagnóstico nas cooperativas da Serra Gaúcha e Região Metropolitana da Grande Porto Alegre
This study had as objective to evidence which are the information on management countable used by decision makers for the Strategic Control in cooperatives. For this was performed a fieldwork with cooperative enterprises of the Serra Gaúcha and in Porto Alegre Metropolitan Region at the Rio Grande do Sul State, which are registered at the Rio Grande do Sul State Cooperative Organization (OCERGS), obtained from the cooperative credit system – (SICREDI Serrana). The used methods were the fieldwork and data being collected by questionnaires and interviews. The questionnaire effective sample was constituted by thirty cooperatives, in which seventeen have intern accountancy and thirteen have extern accountancy. The interview effective sample was constituted of seven cooperatives, all with intern accountancy. They had been boarded referring aspects to the management countable as the necessities of manager’s information, the existing barriers for the efficient flow of the information, the used System of Information,Nenhuma