Economia, energia e meio-ambiente: elementos para a formulação de políticas públicas e análise de oportunidades de investimentos
This works has as objectives describing the technical-economical characteristics that influence energy demand and energy industry dynamics, summarizing different energy demand planning tools and studying the existing relationships between economic development, environment, and the supply of energy on the international level and in the case of Brazil. In chapter one, as an Introduction, it examines how these relationships lead to the deep worries regarding the sustainability of economic growth due to the increasing energy scarcity and the increasing limitations imposed on the utilization of fossil fuels in the face of pollution and global warming. It shows how in Brazil, due to its peculiar energy consumption profile, it is particularly relevant the knowledge of the economic and technical factors governing the dynamics of the market for electricity, where 46 % of the total supply is consumed by the industrial sector (2007), and it represents one of the key inputs in the national productive chain. It is also diNenhuma