Competência no desenvolvimento de novos serviços - validação do constructo em uma empresa brasileira de telecomunicações
The topic of NSD (New Service Development) has received a lot of attention in the past years, especially given its important competitive necessity in many service industries. However, NSD empirical investigations have been hindered by the lack of sound measurement items and scales. Recently, a second-order multidimensional construct called NSD competence has been proposed to reflect an organization´s expertise in deploying resources and routines, usually in combination, to achieve a desired new service outcome. The construct was operationalized through five complementary multi-item scales (NSD process focus, market acuity, NSD strategy, NSD culture and information technology experience) that were validated in a sample of American retail banks. In order to assess the external validity of the NSD competence construct in a different cultural setting, a sample obtained from key informants of a specific Brazilian telecommunication service provider was used. The results showed a partially satisfactory constructNenhuma