Valor de marca em serviços: proposta e validação de um modelo
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Gonçalves, Lívia Castro D’avila
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Brand management has been considered a critical point of marketing study, mainly when it is related to brand equity. Many studies show significant differences between products and services indicating that new studies, specifically about services, must be conducted. Moreover, it has been widely discussed the need for metrics validation in marketing to measure intangible elements. This paper evaluates a model that takes into account the investigation of elements (or dimensions) which determine service brand equity under consumers’ perspective. Therefore, a brand model proposal is presented, tested and validated through descriptive research based on a survey covering 806 banks and university consumers in Porto Alegre. The survey results made it possible to validate the proposed model by using the Structural Equations Modeling, as well as to assess the impact of marketing actions on the consumer response. The implications of such results in marketing theory and brand management are discussed and new research topiCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior