O inter-relacionamento entre o planejamento e o orçamento na esfera pública municipal: estudo de caso na prefeitura municipal de Porto Alegre
This research is about the inter-relationship between the Planning and Budget Processes (P&O) in municipal public Administration, in which the Municipal Townhall of Porto Alegre has been studied. Based on the principal concepts related to P&O and the tool of Balanced Scorecard Administration (BSC) this research points to the fact that the inter-relations between Planning and Budget developed by PMPA presented advances. BSC has been a relevant tool in the viabilization of a sistemic and sistematic articulation between the strategic directions, the programms, projects/actions and indicating systems. However, some points have undergone a more detailed critical evaluation: i) the inter-relation and interdependence which exist between the P&O activities, stemming mainly from the budget restrictions of: payrole and the exigencies of the federal legislation; ii) the adoption of advanced administration methods, nevertheless contributing to provide a bigger “rationality” to the P&O process; it is shown form a more ampNenhuma