O discurso do fotojornalismo independente na guerra do Iraque
this work investigates the independent photojournalism produced during Iraq War (2003), taking as objects of analysis the photographic book Unembedded: four independent photojournalists on the war in Iraq (2005). The main objective of this investigation is understood what a book can address to a reader in a war that received a huge coverage in the mainstream media. The progress of the research is based in three ways: the examination of the photographic book while a communicative process (a specific practice in photojournalism), an examination of the independent correspondents during the war and a specific analysis of the book’s discourse. The study is theoretically and methodologically based in four central authors: the Semiotics studies of Roland Barthes and Umberto Eco about the photography and the visual communication; the analysis of the photojournalism in John Tagg (establish through the Michel Foucault’s perspective); and the studies about Sociology of Violence in John Keane. It realized that the book UCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior