Socialização midiatizada: o papel da televisão na recepção de adolescentes de instituições de acolhimento
The main aim of this research is investigate the process of the socialization through the media, operated by the television in the scope of the reception by the teenagers who live in institutions of shelter in Porto Alegre. So I try to understand which elements of the television flow if they institute as first of socialization, as well as which appropriations, especially of moral values and principles, the adolescents make of the televising content, having as mediation of this process the proper institution of shelter, the groups of relations and friendships and habitus. The research also tries to show which changes are operated in the teenagers identity through the learning by the television. So, to understand the details of the central problem, I have worked with the concepts of mediatization and socialization, and I have also articulated theoretical perspectives to understand the reception (reception, mediation, appropriations, learnings, interaction and identity).Related to the metodologic strategies,Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior