Revistas: configuração do relacionamento entre homem e mulher como estratégia de segmentação do público
Public segmentation has become a tool to managing printed-media magazine in the global market. It works as an apparatus for this sort of publication to follow the changes of its readers and be updated. Under this segmentation dynamics, most periodicals are based in gender division - feminine and masculine. This dissertation aims at investigating the relationship the public-segmented magazine presents the reader through the analysis of discursive strategies and expressive features used in the process of attributing values regarding the segment of the public targeted at. To do so, the work focuses the treatment given to the thematic of relationship between man and woman in the feminine magazines Nova and Malu and the masculine Vip and PHT, through an analysis method based on Greima’s discursive semiotics, articulated to the notion of Barthesian myth and the Verón’s classification of enunciative variations. The results show basically that the two masculine periodicals use very similar discursive strategies and eCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior