Atividade de inglês ou atividade em inglês: contando histórias na sala de aula de língua estrangeira
Telling stories is part of our everyday lives. At home, at school, standing in line in a bank, in a doctor’s waiting room, there is always somebody who has a story to tell. What makes it possible for this social event to take place is the participation of both the narrator and the audience. If there is not somebody else listening, paying attention, constructing meaning with us when we tell a story, there is no story! Telling stories is, therefore, an activity co-constructed by its participants. According to Vygotsky, we learn a language entirely through social interaction and it is through our participation in communicative activities with more proficient members of our sociocultural background that we learn what it takes for us to be part of this social group. Assuming we learn a language through social interaction and telling stories is a social event, co-constructed by its participants, this research observed how this social event takes place in a foreign language classroom (English). The focus of this resNenhuma