Estilos narrativos de mães ao compartilharem livro de gravuras com seus filhos
This study investigates story telling events through a picture book reading. The aim was to verify mothers’ narrative styles when telling their 3 and 5-year old sons and daughters the story from the picture book entitled “Frog, where are you?”, as well as to verify changes in style according to children’s age and genre. Narratives were recorded in the dyads’ houses. 16 portuguese monolingual speaking mothers, from Porto Alegre, and their 3-year old children (4 girls and 4 boys), as well as their 5-year old children (4 girls and 4 boys) were involved. Through mothers’ questions analysis, both elaborative and low-elaborative styles were observed. In the elaborative style, mothers are generally engaged in long narratives, being used to requiring their child’s oral participation in narrative construction, as well as enriching narrative with details about its characters and actions. On the other hand, low-elaborative mothers tend to get involved in short narratives, not stimulating their child’s oral participationNenhuma