O jogo digital nos processos de ensino aprendizagem de língua portuguesa: um estudo através das seqüências narrativas
This study’s main objective is to present the game in a digital environment, in order to make possible the learning of the Portuguese language through narrative. The work is divided into four chapters. In the first chapter, the game, and especially the game in a digital environment, is presented. In the second chapter, I explore the game as a “hyper-genre”. In the third chapter I show the game in its production context. In the fourth chapter and last chapter I explore the narrative structures through the theoretical models of the selected authors and analyze the narratives created by the students during the RPG game in school environment. The stories created by the students confirm the study’s hypothesis. They proved to be useful for the understanding of the digital linguistic practices by contributing for the understanding of the non-linear narratives considered as complex structuresNenhuma