Universalidade dos direitos humanos na complexidade de um mundo multicivilizacional
In spite of the affirmated universality of Human Rights, the conception, historical development, and its application are presented in a varied way in the context of different civilizations. A comparative analysis among the Occidental, Hindu, Muslim and Chinese civilizations reveals their diversity and the influence of their own conceptions about the human being, social order, Law and Human Rights. The difference of the values is present in the constitutionalism which became part of the history of each civilization, and in the privilege that is given to the social and collective rights or to the individual liberties. The resistance to the universalistic speech of Human Rights also emerges as an aspect of international politics, because the analysis of the Human Rights political dimension in the international Law system and in the States practice reveals civilizational challenges to its implementation, like the opposition to their selectiveness and politicization and the appeal to regional and national partiFundação Universitária para Desenvolvimento do Ensino e da Pesquisa