A proporcionalidade como princípio epocal do direito: o (des)velamento da discricionariedade judicial a partir da perspectiva da nova crítica do direito
The Brazilian Law Hermeneutic has been searching alternatives to deal with the imposed challenges by new constitutionalism, by which, the norms of the Fundamental Rights claim the most effectiveness possible, having its guaranteed concretization by own available resources to the constitutional jurisdiction. It occurs on face that concretizer revolution, it lacks to the Brasilian Law such a more sophisticated theorization over the role of sources, of the norms and interpretation. Intending to supply this gap the Law Hermeneutic in a general point, and the Brazilian Law mainly, ended by taking over the proportionality as hermeneutic criterium conductor of the Law thought, adopting as its theorical mentor, Robert Alexy. One observes, then, the proportionality to be used to solve the most different problems imposed to the Law, serving, for instance: as convenience control of the legislations decisions, criterium to respond about the inconstitutionality of the norms, element to fixate the essential core of the FunCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior