A invocação de precedente jurisprudencial como fundamentação de decisão judicial : uma crítica ao sincretismo improvisado entre os sistemas civil e common law no Brasil e uma proposta para sua superação hermenêutica
The electronic easiness created by the computer age; the increasing complexity and range of the juridical questions put at bar; the culture of passivity before what was said by the courts; the manufacture of “previous discourses of justification”, ready-mades that wait for later couplings. All these things invite Brazilian jurists to replace the juridical learning and the study of law by the automatic and instantaneous searches for judicial precedents and crystallized legal concepts. An improvised syncretism between the common law and the civil law systems has emerged: it is improvised because cases are argued and decided based on previous decisions, but without the necessary support of a theory of precedent and a culture of justification of the judicial decision. Besides institutionalizing the amateurism of some players who quite often don’t know what they are talking about, this state of things acclaims the arbitrariness of the unjustified choice of a line of precedents instead of another. The precedentNenhuma