Novos direitos no estado democrático de direito: meio ambiente e sociedade de risco
Malgarim, Emmanuelle de Araújo
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The present work analyzes the ambient crisis from the relation established between the Man and nature throughout history and, as the ambient movements had influenced and still they act for the formation of an ecological citizen, with proper ways to exactly think itself and the relations with the others about this world. The Society contemporary is based on the risk society proposal for Urich Beck, to the step that the ambient problems had taken ratio global, generating unreliability and uncertainty of future. It is perceived existence of conscience of the risks, however, these is not folloied of management politics, called phenomenon organized irresponsibility, having been that the capacity and regulatória effectiveness of the Enviromental law daily coexist the difficult task to modify, to adjust and to modify, to adjust and to make compatible the proper legal conditions before the necessity to conciliate and to guarantee the protection of the economic development and the capacity of technological innovatiNenhuma