Comunicação, sistemas e precaução: a questão do aquecimento global e o papel do direito
The main purpose of this dissertation is the observation of the problem of Global Warming in a systemic view in order to point a way through the intervention of the Law. To find it, it is observed that the Contemporary Society with its risks and dangers produced in a reality of Globalization and technologic developments which ended up influencing directly the Earth’s Temperature Regulation. Based on the principle that the human intervention is causing sensitive weather changes because of the big production of greenhouse effect gases, which are the responsible for the phenomenon. There are capable options to face the problem. One of them would be a broad awareness about the necessity of reducing drastically the gas emissions through education and actions which each individual could adopt to save energy and to reduce the consume of it. Another alternative could be the obligation of all nations in the World to accept the reduction of their domain in benefit of a global government that would be responsible for tCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior