Aspectos sociojurídicos sobre a dignidade humana no processo de morte
The present study will demonstrate, through bioetics boardings and examination of the beddings from principle of dignity person human being, which the juridics questions consequences of the recognition death´s rights and the mortal condition of be-human being in the life and existence in terminal period of training. And so, the beings terminals and the rights will be studied extended them, as well as the envolvement of the people who them coexist, demonstrating that the right the death can be an option to the guarantee of the dignity, that can be usufructed through the joint application of basic rights as the autonomy. Finally, it will be tried to demonstrate, through concrete cases, that the death process needs a legal resolution, presenting emergent legislations to the end of the life, emphasizing that the death is a right to be recognized in the efetivation of the dignity, using itself, for in such a way, the autonomyNenhuma