O direito fundamental à segurança jurídica no estado democrático de direito e suas implicações (algumas) no regime geral da previdência social brasileira
This work makes an analysis regarding the juridical safety and, more specifically, of your circumstances in the ambit of the Modern State. For so much, it travels the state models, starting from the Liberal State, until the current moment and their crisis (s). Soon after, it presents a "(re)think" for the notion of time, under a hermeneutic-philosophical perspective, analyzes the legal safety in its relationship with the Liberal State and starts to understand as that concept is processed in the Democratic State of Law, being this a important point of the research. For last, taking for base the relationship between juridical safety and Democratic State, some are verified implications that the fundamental right to the legal safety brings to the General Regime of Social Welfare, having the Brazilian experience as referenceUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos