O ato de julgar como atividade concretizadora da constituição: uma proposta à luz da hermenêutica filosófica
The jurisprudence activity is supported in the metaphysical paradigm, which is the guide line for the reproductive way to speak about law. Using si-logistical formulas, the judge searches for resources to render jurisdiction and, with this, keep himself protected of external and strange influences to the juridical subjects. Acting like this, the judgement is for representations that can support the dual model, space where the individuals and things are mediated by the language. The philosophical hermeneutic with bases in “heideggeriano-gadameriano” promotes the deconstruction of this paradigm and, in this task, it proposes that the eyes of the judge lay at the “uno”: the man and the things exist because of the language – there is only a world where the language is. In this model that the look is directed for the same things there is a space to create, to speak about what is new, in a constant actualisation impelled by time. This is the way of thinking that suits to the program inserted in the Federal ConstituNenhuma