Proposta de um método para a redução do lead time de desenvolvimento da indústria calçadista: um estudo de caso
This work aims to develop a theoretical method which allows companies that work with products with a short life cycle, such as the footwear industry, can reduce the time for development of new products. The research method used is the Design Research and the work´s empirical stage was be developed into a children shoes’ company in the cluster of Vale dos Sinos. The theoretical method was formed through three sources of information. The first is conceptual, which was embased in theories of the Paradigm of improving processes, like as Lean Project, Concurrent Engineering, Theory of Constrains and Project Management. The second was provided by empirical knowledge of professionals of the company and the researcher. Finally, the actual data generated and observations made in the process served as feedback and improvement of the method, that was be applied and evaluated. The result of this work was a method that integrates several techniques, which can reduce the total time of development of new products. The methNenhuma