A importância da Araucaria angustifolia na dieta de pequenos roedores silvestres em área de floresta com araucária no sul do Brasil
Small rodents comprise an important faunal component of the Brazilian Araucaria Forests. It is suggested that there is a strong relation between seed production of the araucaria „pine‟ Araucaria angustifolia and small-rodent abundance. Such relation would be due to the high energetic content of this conifer‟s seeds (known as „pinhões‟) and also high seed production. Such production is concentrated during autumn and winter months, when there is reduction in overall resource availability. In the present study I evaluated the importance of A. angustifolia in the diet of wild small rodents in an area of Araucaria Forest in southern Brazil (Ecological Station of Aracuri-Esmeralda, Muitos Capões, RS, Brazil). I conducted seven capture sessions (seven nights each) monthly of bi-monthly from October/2008 to July/2009, representing a period out of A. angustifolia seed production (October to February) and during seed production (April to July). I used 30 pitfall traps (62 l) and 50 snap traps. DurBolsa para curso e programa de Pós Graduação