Estudo das vulnerabilidades da arquitetura BitTorrent, ataques e contramedidas possíveis
BitTorrent is the most popular file sharing technology and associated with a significant fraction of the Internet traffic. Considering its importance and large scale adoption, the BitTorrent architecture should be robust and resistant to malicious peers. This dissertation is the first investigation in terms of vulnerabilities against BitTorrent architecture, providing four important contributions: (a) it helps to increase the understanding of the BitTorrent protocol; (b) it identifies vulnerabilities and describes feasible attacks and countermeasures to the BitTorrent architecture; (c) it presents a discrete event simulation model which maps the behaviour of the protocol; and (d) it evaluates, through simulation, the impact of two proposed attacks, namely Piece Lying and Eclipse. Results show what BitTorrent is vulnerable to cheating peers that lie about having pieces, in order to make them rarer, causing an increase of about 50% in downloading times. Eclipse attacks can cause even more damage, as analysisBolsa para curso e programa de Pós Graduação