Um modelo genérico para fluxos em estruturas auto-similares e a sua relação com espectros afins: da geometria da árvore brônquica às características dos sons pulmonares.
A generic model for flows in self-similar strutuctures and its relation with affine spectra: from the bronchial tree geometry to the spectral characteristics of the lung sounds
In this work, a theoretical scheme is considered for normal lung sound pro- duction in high frequencies. This scheme is based on multi-scaled _ux discretiza- tion into independent discrete elements, which interact with the geometric struc- ture that represents the bronchial tree in a syntonized fashion. The resulting amplitude spectrum is a_ne in a log-log scale with slope dependence on the frac- tal dimension of the bronchial tree. The results from a theoretical analysis of this scheme is compatible, qualitatively and quantitatively with the spectral characte- ristics reported in the literature. Furthermore, a computational and simulational model is realized starting from the theoretical scheme. Moreover, the computational model extends the the- oretical scheme introducing interactions among the discrete elements by potentials. These interactions yield a more precise adjustment of the spectra in low frequency as well as in the high frequency spectral region. Finally, a sound synthesis method isCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior