Tempo livre e humanização: o lazer e o ócio humanista a partir das concepções teóricas de Joffre Dumazedier e Manuel Cuenca
This study analyses the potentialities of the free time humanization and verifies which are the proposed practices of leisure and idleness proposed by Joffre Dumazedier and Manuel Cuenca Cabeza, respectively, authors that are regarded in their analytical and proposing studies concerning the approached topics. By identifying the conceptions of free time and the practices of leisure and idleness in Dumazedier and Cuenca, we verified the humanization potential these practices provide. The comprehension about humanization, as the commitment process with the other, is based on Reinholdo A. Ullmann. The theoretical approach is based upon Agnes Heller, Hannah Arendt and Norbert Elias; as well as in Henri Lefebvre withstands the ideas of the three authors. The methodology used in this study was the bibliographic research, supported by Dumazedier’s and Cuenca’s selected literature about leisure and idleness. Concerning the results of the study, it is important to point out that the hypotheses were confirmed in accordaNenhuma