Análise dos processos decisórios em face dos riscos tecnológicos: a percepção de riscos, as consequências dos acidentes e os gestores públicos na cidade de Canoas – RS
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Arruda, Arlete Aparecida Hildebrando de
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The environmental risks produced by urban and industrial development are multiplied when it comes to petroleum and its derivative products. The main question in reference to the risks in the city of Canoas is the existence of industrial plants with various denominations, re-finery, power plant unit, terminals, and pipelines. The decision on the facilities of industrial plants, with oil products and gas terminals along the pipeline are the result of agreements be-tween international corporations. The local managers, according to national law should be in-volved in the approval and coordination of special public hearings to set the location, the de-gree of risk, and benefits, for they are the ones responsible when there are accidents or disas-ters. The presence of equipment is a sign of new times, signs that communicate the rationality of the modern world and which are necessary in urban areas creating new forms of segrega-tion, uncertainties, and risks bringing on fear of chemical disaster. That is why the remNenhuma