As dimensões ética e política como componentes curriculares dos cursos de licenciatura: a perspectiva dos estudantes
Ethical and political issues as inseparable components in the academic background are the object of this study. Undergraduate courses whose students graduate to be teachers in elementary schools are taken to this purpose. The ethical and political meanings of the teaching actions were analyzed from interviews with graduating students from different courses. Based theoretically on the ideas of Paulo Freire, who experienced the everyday life of the educational system in Brazil, and supported by thinkers who have the teacher formation as a research line, this study is grounded in a qualitative analysis, using ethnographic principles of research. This study assumes the ethical and political dimensions as the basis of an emancipatory formation of teachers. It understands ethics as a reflection on the moral act that legitimate the social relationships, introducing, in the educational environment, the dimension of the subject, questioning the principles and fundamentals of the human being related to autonomy, discipNenhuma