Práticas normalizadoras na educação especial: um estudo a partir da rede municipal de ensino de Novo Hamburgo - RS (1950 a 2007)
This thesis has attempted to problematize the conditions for the emergence of Special Education, and emphases on practices perceived over the years in the context of Rede Municipal de Ensino de Novo Hamburgo and in Revista do Ensino do Rio Grande do Sul, from 1950 to 2007. Such work allowed us to analyze of Special Education as a modality of School Education which, while governs the positioned subjects in this way, directly and indirectly with the inclusion, governs all of them. The study has also problematized norm as articulating processes of normalization that, in the context of bio-politics, are operated by technologies of regulation of the Special Education population. This movement has enabled questioning policies of school inclusion that, in articulation with practices, trigger the mechanisms that are necessary to ensure normalization of children and youths. The research approach approximates to the post-structuralist perspective, and uses Foucauldian concepts of discourse and normalization as its analNenhuma