O desenho como objeto de ensino: história de uma disciplina a partir dos livros didáticos luso-brasileiros oitocentistas
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Trinchão, Gláucia Maria Costa
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This thesis, entitled The Drawing as the object of education: history of a discipline seen from the Portuguese-Brazilian 1800s didactic books, is born from a well known discontentment feeling: the emphasis given to the graph centric culture through the entire History of Education. It intends to reduce the lack of studies in the field of the Drawing Class, mainly throughout the XIX century, by identifying the historical roots that transformed the knowledge in Drawing on a teaching subject on Portuguese- Brazilian public schools. It adopts a critical, reflexive and historical posture by retaking the conception of the scholar Class as a way of Didactic Transposition. It looks at the didactic book- manuals and compendiums – as social developers of knowledge, giving it the roll of cultural object supporting the scholar memory. It analyses French, Portuguese and Brazilian studies on categories such as “the Book”, the “Content”, the “Didactic Processes”, the “Author” and his “Interlocutors”. It concludes, in a sPrograma Internacional de Bolsas de Pós-Graduação da Fundação Ford