Experiência estética e memórias de escola-"Porque é de infância...que o mundo tem precisão"!
The essential aestheticism dimension in order to make the difference in the world and in special, in the educational processes is the basic idea stood up for this research. It is commented that an aestheticism experience is only possible at a school that considers children as social actors, story protagonists and people who produce cultures. In this perspective, the research investigates marks that remain in the memory of a group of ex-students when they recall their childhood times lived in a certain educative institution called Centro Educacional Monteiro Lobato that is located in Viçosa, Minas Gerais during the decades of 80/90 from the last century. Today, these ex-students are young people in at about twenty years old. The empirical base originated from operational proceedings processed by Internet proves as the students who passed for this school, that was focused in "educate with art", recovered their memories reconstructing a route made by experiences. The author based in her own memories regarding toNenhuma