Políticas educacionais e discursos sobre matemática escolar: um estudo a partir da revista Nova Escola
This thesis analyzes the publication called Revista Nova Escola, from 1997 to 2005, considering it as a teacher's formation dispositive, articulated with educational policies, especially National Curriculum Parameters. It is inscribed in the field of discussions that have examined power relations and production of meanings to the teaching practices of Mathematics teachers of early grades of elementary school. It attempts to determine possible marks that identify the publication as a cultural object that determines certain political, pedagogical postures among Brazilian teachers. Considering the publication in its printed materiality, as well as in its digital modality, totalizing about 11,000 pages, it is possible to view a set of regularities, thus defining a determinate way of thinking and teaching Mathematics. In this analysis, one can perceive obedience to discursive rules, among which the conception of delay or difficulty in teaching and learning Mathematics has been highlighted. This is the basic reasonBolsa para curso e programa de Pós Graduação