A dignidade humana e o totalitarismo: um diálogo entre Jacques Maritain, Hannah Arendt e Giorgio Agamben
Human dignity and the totalitarianism: a dialogue between Jacques Maritain, Hannah Arendt and Giorgio Agamben. This study proposes to establish a connectivity thought j. Maritain, h. Arendt and g. Agambem in respect of human dignity and totalitarianism, extracting thought these two categories of authors. In the first part we will cover the thought and Jacques Maritain, h. Arendt and g. Agamben in respect of human dignity and totalitarianism, extracting thought these two categories of authors. In the first part we will cover the thought and Jacques Maritain contribution from its integral humanism, explore your concept of person denouncing the Soviet Marxist model as paradigm aviltador human dignity. In a second time, we thought xtremeshow Arendt, its contribution on totalitarianism and the mechanisms of domination that asserts and the human response to totalitarian model, especially the Nazism. And finally, Giorgio Agamben, which brings in its state of exception proof and that totalitarianism remains a threatNenhuma