A visão de homem em Nietzche e Paulo
In this paper, I seek to analyze the basic vision of this man in the thought of the philosopher Nietzsche and the apostle Paul. In this double looking, I try to contemplate the relationship existing in the vision of man nietzschiana and in the vision pauline. This search is given from the writings of the authors and their commentators, trying to identify the reasons for man's vision of each thinkers in focus. The first part of the text has as its purpose to identify the concept of corruption of man. For Nietzsche corruption present in the man is a product of the reality of Christianity. He attaches the Christian faith as responsible for the corruption of humanity. This process made by the invention of the idea of a God punishment and rewarding. Linked with the idea of God, sin and its consequences also was a Christian invention to manipulate mankind. Thus, it shows that man must break with these ideas, because they deny and destroy his life. As Nietzsche denies the reality of sin, Paulo builds its concept ofPrograma Institucional de Capacitação de Docentes e Técnicos