Os dispositivos de poder e a construção da subjetividade do excluído em Michel Foucault: implicações jurídicas e desafios sociais
This paper aims to analyze the constitution of the subjectivity of the social excluded individual in the modernity. Making use of Michel Foucault’s thinking, it tries to demonstrate the phenomenon is given as effect of dominator power, through application of power techniques and tactics, dreamed up to accentuate differentiation among people, based on race, ethnics or economic condition criteria. This differential marking locks some determined groups of people inside social ghettos, in which operate guarding, controlling and punishing mechanisms that guarantee consolidation and maintaining of social exclusion. People like black and poor, being keep off of some vital social goods like education, tend to get insight an inferiority feeling that make them believe they’re not actually right holders. They believe rights are just for people of supposed elite, identified as so by level of instruction, economic or social condition criteria. Getting insight such an inferiority feeling, the individual excludes himself frNenhuma