Nietzsche contra a democracia: a grande política como tentativa de superação do niilismo
With this work we aim to demonstrate that great politics is one of the Nietzsche’s attempts to overcome nihilism. However, apart from didn’t make it, his proposal hatchs with liberal democracy of the second half XIX century (which have a certain reason element, because detect the passive nihilist traces contained in that political system) and with democracy of our time, denying to the individual one efective participation on politics and in society tacks, because it is based on a hierarchy structure of masters and slaves, even if with spiritual meaning, and not physical, many times expressed in a dubious way. One of the immediates consequences of that proposition its the rooting of political apathy, a unmisunderstantig trace of passive nihilism on postmodern societies. Inspired on greek arcaic casts, on the aristocratic radicalism, the aristocratic society glimpsed by Nietzsche has to be conducted by the beyond-man, along the nietzschian work metaphorized as new philosopher, legislator philosopher and aristocCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior