Relação pedagógica e autoridade docente: um estudo a partir das escolas franciscanas
This study investigates how the teachers’ authority is built in its pedagogical practice, within Franciscan schools, aiming to understand the link that exists between the Franciscan philosophy purposes and the practice of the authority in the classroom. Concerned to the composition of the theoretical horizon, I present initially reflections about the understanding of the authority and power throughout the history. Then I focalize the authority and power questions within a Franciscan vision and I discuss the teacher social function inside the classroom. In the sequence, I deal with the daring context faced by the teachers nowadays, bringing the speeches of the interviewed ones and discussing questions related to the authority theme. This is a qualitative research. The data collection was made through observations inside classrooms and interviews that involve 12 teachers from two private schools belonging to Sociedade Caritativa e Literária São Francisco de Assis. The results show that the teachers are consciouNenhuma