Caminhos para a educação inclusiva: a construção dos saberes necessários na formação e na experiência de professores do município de Montenegro/RS
This study aimed at investigating inclusive education practices, from what teachers of the city of Montenegro/RS said, trying to comprehend the knowledge needed, built there. The main question was: Which are and how can the knowledge needed for the practice of the teachers be built for the inclusion of students with special educational needs? For participating in the study, I selected five teachers from the municipal system of education, that work with basic education in the levels of kindergarten, elementary school, education for teenagers and adults and in the laboratory service of learning and that, during their careers, included in their practices, students with special educational needs. It was chosen a qualitative approach and the research was supported on Aranha (2005), Mantoan (1997, 2005), Edler Carvalho (2006), Sassaki (1997), Mazzota (1987) and Delors (1998), Gauthier (2006), Pimenta (1999), Tardif (2002), Osório Marques (1988, 1990, 2003), Montero (2001) and Sarmento (1994). From the analysis, itNenhuma