As relações de gênero na filosofia: vivências e narrativas de professoras de filosofia
The present essay "The relations of gender in philosophy: experiences and narratives of philosophy teachers’’ it comes from studies of the research line " Education and Social Exclusion Process ", it fits in the area of the gender studies, making an interface between philosophy and education. Having two sights: one empirical vision with narratives and histories of Philosophy teachers lives interviewed with a methodology of research and analysis inspired in the method of research-formation of Marie Christine Josso and a historical-philosophical vision in order to think the gender relations in the Philosophy. It was identified that the studies of gender in the Philosophy field in Brazil are still few, being necessary to know the studies and researches developed in other countries. From Portugal (University of Lisbon) it was obtained the highest theoretical support concerning relative questions related to gender and philosophy research. It was searched the origin of the prejudice against women, tracing a brief aNenhuma