Arte ou vadalismo? Você decide...o que nos ensinam os grafismos urbanos sobre paz e violência
Through this dissertation-“...Art or vandalism? You decide...”what the urban grafisms on “peace and violence” teaches us-, i intend to show how the cultural practices of urban grafisms cause the circulation of speeches around the notions “peace and violence”, and how truth is instituted. For this analysis I describe the statements present in photographic registrations taken in the city of Porto Alegre (RS), during the elapsed period of one year. Before of the materiality of eight hundred cultural texts, i chose those that i thought were more significant to my investigation. I composed four groups of significance: suffering and death in the presence of human kind, conflict of the weapons presence, multiplicity of ways and ambivalence of wars. I organized each one of these groups with four cultural texts where I could notice appeals that interconnected them and that condensed the conflicts on the notion of peace and violence, put in context with the dynamics of the experiences of live in the plurality of the sNenhuma