A (Re)invenção do comunismo: discurso anticomunista católico nas grandes imprensas brasileira e argentina no contexto dos golpes militares de 1964 e 1966
During the decade of 1960, Brazil and Argentina were going through a deep political, social and economic crisis that took to the deposition of the civil presidents by the Army - João Goulart, in 1964, in Brazil and Arturo Illia, in 1966, in Argentina. Simultaneously to this political moment, the world catholicism was under intense transformations due to the first Social Encyclicals of John XXIII (Pacem in Terris e Mater et Magistra) and to the Ecumenical Council Vatican II (1962 - 1965). The focus of the research was the catholic anti-comunist discourse that was spread in the press of the city of Porto Alegre ("Correio do Povo" and "Diário de Notícias) and of the city of Buenos Aires ("La Nación", "La Razón" and "Clarín), between the years of 1961 and 1967. Through the analysis of the sources in a perspective that deemed three theoretical-methodological levels that are complimentar to each other - the imaginary, the representations and the discourse levels - and two realities - Brazil and Argentina - the stuCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior