Apesar do cativeiro. Família escrava em Santo Antônio da Patrulha (1773-1824)
The relations between slave and Mr. had always generated controversies in the historiografia. Some more “conservatives” then others, everybody admits that for more “severe” the escravista system seems to be, we cannot exclude his agents movement. No trajectory, either individual or in group, can be analyzed from its norms. Restore to normal the individual attitudes, making tham loosing its individual character of destination and start to have typical behaviors of a defined group, prevents the attempt to reconstruct historical and social contexts. Based in this premisses this work has been desenvolved, searching to perceive how the first settlers of the Great River, established in the region of Saint Antonio of the Patrol, has related with their slaves. This work also intends to analyze the region that enclosed the clientele of Saint Antonio of the Patrol black community (captive or not), in the period of 1773 the 1824, focusing the familiar bows establishment and the kinship nets constitution. We will point oCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior